Watched Today

* A good day to die hard – Director John Moore. In the previous one in the series John McClane (Bruce Willis) made up with his daughter at the end. This time around it is his son and when they all three meet at the end they contradict an earlier statement: ”We are not a hugging family.” In the next installment we can probably expect McClane to be a double grand father saving his grand children from something.The previous film worked because you cared about the characters enough not to wish them dead. And there were some well choreographed action sequences. This time it is Russians constantly changing sides and we don’t really care if they die. And all the action is dark and muddled. It is Russia after all. Even if it never snows.

* MM: Sylvester: “D’fightin’ ones” USA 1961 Freleng

Finished Reading

* Göteborg. Kulturhistoriskt värdefull bebyggelse. Ett program för bevarande. Del 1. – This is possibly the best guide book for Göteborg. In it you will find detailed descriptions, maps and pictures of every important building in the city, from humble abodes to splendid palaces. All of them are worth saving for the future, so we will not forget the past. Part one covers the central parts and many (perhaps most) of the buildings are well-known to the citizens, having been passed, and perhaps entered, many times. Still, there are new things to discover in the book even about familiar sights. And several hidden gems to discover. That will be even more so in part two, which covers the surrounding areas. I am looking forward to that trip. There is only one problem. The volumes are much too heavy to be carried around. Why not turn them into small booklets, one for each district, and give them out for free at the tourist office. Awaiting that to happen one can always try to convert one’s bike with some kind of attraption that will safely hold the book in front of the handlebars.

The Weekly Film Meeting (February 3)

OZU 1932
Umarete wa mita keredo /I was born, but…


A Drunkard’s Reformation – D W Griffith

POPEYE 9/5 1941
Popeye meets Rip Van Winkle – with  Rip Van Winkle & Chico Marx

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